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What is OPRA (Open Public Records Act)? 


OPRA is a New Jersey statute that governs the public's access to government records in New Jersey.  The law is compiled in the statutes as N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.

  • Specifically, OPRA is intended to: 

  • Expand the public's right of access to government records;

  • Create an administrative appeals process if access is denied; 

  • Define what records are and are not "government records.

  • Winslow Township OPRA Form can be found HERE

  • Camden County OPRA Form can be found HERE

What is the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA)? 

  • This bill requires that the public and the press have advance notice of and the opportunity to attend most meetings, including executive sessions of public bodies, except where the public interest or individual rights would be jeopardized.

  • To insure the right of citizens to have adequate advance notice of and the right to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in any way except in those circumstances where the public interest would be endangered or the personal privacy or rights of individuals would be endangered

  • "MEETING" means and includes any gathering whether corporeal or by means of communications equipment, which is attended by, or open to, all of the members of a public body, held with the intent, on the part of the members of the body present, to discuss or act as a unit upon the specific public business of that body.

  • "PUBLIC BUSINESS" means and includes all matters which relate in any way, directly or indirectly to the performance of the public body's functions or the conduct of its business.

  • "ADEQUATE NOTICE" means written advance notice of at least 48 hours, giving the time, date, location and to the extent known, the agenda of any regular, special or rescheduled meeting, which notice shall accurately state whether formal action may or may not be taken and which shall be etc. as noted in N.J.S.A. 10:4-8

  • "OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS" means paid, published and circulated in the municipality, and if there be no such newspaper, then in at least one published in the county in which the municipality is located and said newspaper is circulated.

More information can be found HERE

What is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)? 

  • Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

What is the New Jersey League of Municipalities (NJLM)? 

The New Jersey State League of Municipalities is a non-partisan, non-profit voluntary association, founded in 1915, to further enhance the ability of New Jersey’s municipal governments to represent their constituents by:

  • Acting as a forceful advocate for New Jersey’s municipalities before the State and federal governments.

  • Serving as a definitive information clearinghouse and providing educational opportunities for elected and appointed officials.

  • Providing networking opportunities and forums for discussions and sharing of mutual concerns. 


All 564 municipalities are members of the League. Over 560 mayors and 13,000 elected and appointed officials of member municipalities are entitled to all of the services and privileges of the League.

How to Become a Poll Worker? 

Your county, in partnership with New Jersey’s Department of State, Division of Elections, is actively seeking residents to serve as poll workers for the upcoming General Election.

  • Are a United States citizen and a resident of New Jersey.

  • Are at least 16 years of age. College and high school students are encouraged to apply.
    Note: Those under 18 years of age will work limited hours per shift. Contact your county’s Board of Elections for further information.

  • Are not running as a candidate in this election. 

  • APPLY TODAYCLICK HERE to apply online or to download an application.

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